The Passionate Redheads Relay for Life


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Purple Passion Masked Ball

The Passionate Redheads invite you to attend our Purple Passion Masked Ball on Thursday, April 8 from 6:00pmSLT to 8:00pmSLT. DJ Shockwave will be spinning the tunes at Club Cutlass for this event. This event is formal, so please wear your tuxedos and ballgowns. Don't forget to where a mask!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Joaquin Gustav RFL Benefit Concert

Joaquin Gustav RFL Benefit Concert Thursday
April 1, 18:00pmSLT at
This superb guitarist from Argentina plays jazz, popular and Latin tunes, and you will be thrilled to hear such magnificent musicianship! Join us at Club Eclipse for some amazing music!

Este FANTASTICO Guitarrista Argentino toca jazz, musica latina romantica y popular, al escucharlo estaran maravillados por su magnifica guitarra! Visitenos en Club Eclipse para una gran aventura musical! Joaquin Gustav!
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Online Donations

Your friends and family can donate to our team online even if they aren't in Second Life.

Online donations can really add a LOT to our Linden totals and help us stay ahead in the competition! Remember that 1000 Lindens is around $4.15, so a $25.00 donation can bring up our totals dramatically.

This is our team donation page:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Really Big Show!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Concert at Luskwood

Our concert on Saturday was a big success! We had a lot of fun, and raised over 25,000 L! Thanks to our Musicians, Jaycatt, Frogg, and Alessandra for voulunteering their time. Thanks also to the folks at Luskwood for letting us use the cool venue, and especially to Lomgren Smalls (pictured above) for organizing it.

Jaycatt Nico & Frogg Marlowe rocking out!

Fellow Redhead Alessandra Eberlain sang with a voice like an angel!

Here are some totally unofficial, off-the-cuff ideas for helping The Passionate Redheads move up to ladder:
1. Contact EVERY group owner of EVERY group to which you belong. I did and sent each one an IM like this:
"If you haven't already, would you consider placing a kiosk [name of venue], for the Passionate Redheads Team of The Relay for Life of Second Life? The team would greatly appreciate it. Just IM Daaneth Kivioq, our cocaptain. I also have kiosks, but lack any knowhow.
We are also looking for people/venues who would be interested in holding fundraising events. Such an event would be just like any event you put on now, except money raised would be donated to the Passionate Redheads team of the Relay for Life. You may IM Daaneth Kivioq or Sabine McGettigan (the captains of our team) if you need any clarifications.

Thank you so much for your consideration and for your time."
In just one afternoon I got three kiosks placed. (Some people weren't online and will receive their IMs when they log in)

2. If you own, manage, direct, or perform at a venue ASK and get those kiosks out. I was at two venues today where I have seen kiosks in the past and there were none!

3. Post information about RFLofSL on blogs, nings, Twitter, Plurk . Include hyperlinks to offline donations (if you need them, IM me). Advertise us to your coworkers, schoolmates, church friends, coffee buddies, and neighbors.

4. If you own, work at, or possess the skills that dressmakes, artists, or SL builders have --> you are valuable!! We need a store owned by a Redhead that could sell Redhead gear to ungifted people like me!

5. Approach the venue of your choice with your zany fundraising idea & (like Nike says) just do it!
A. A Redhead Cruise under the stars
B. A Redhead Circus under the Bigtop
c. A Redhead Diner Car Ride on the Orient Express
D. A Redhead Gallery Opening (paintings, ceramics, photos, ?)
E. A Redhead Royal TeaParty or MadHatter Tea Party
(enough of my zany ideas..)

6. Gather after another event, like the Giant Snail Races on Saturday, March 20th at 2pm (I would doublecheck that time) the team could gather somewhere for a time of community building.
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Online Donations from Friends and Family

Your friends and family (employers too!) can donate to our team online even if they aren't in Second Life.

Online donations can really add a LOT to our Linden totals and help us stay ahead in the competition!

This is our team donation page:

Friday, March 19, 2010

Getting Passionate

Like Sabine said, we are just pacing ourselves.. we are now #10 with L$75153 raised. We have a Passionate Redheads store at, a venue for our events at and a great benefit concert in Luskwood featuring live music with Effinjay and Alessandra Eberlain on Saturday March 20, 2010 at 12:00-14:00SLTat
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RFL Clothing Faire Photo Contest

Don't forget to gussy up and photograph yourself to enter the Clothing Faire Photo Contest. At the same time, you can add to the Passionate Redheads Photo Pool at

Thursday, March 18, 2010

100 Redheads

As of today, we have over 100 extremely talented, compassionate, creative, supportive, and caring Redheads on this team! Talk about an unstoppable force!

I encourage each and every one of you to find ways to help us fight back. It doesn't have to be big - every little bit helps.

You all make me so proud to be a member of this wonderful team. I am honored to to work with you.

Celebrate Life, Remember the Fallen, and FIGHT BACK!!

Passionate for a Cure

Relay For Life of Second Life 2010 from Ed Clarity on Vimeo.

The official theme for this year's Relay For Life in Second Life is "Wishing on a Cure". This Redhead echoes that theme by proclaiming The Passionate Redheads are Passionate for a Cure!

To donate online please go to This Donation Page

To donate using your cellphone please Text RELAY to 20222
Complete terms and conditions can be found here:
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Redheads Rule!!

In one day we have shot up from 20th place - to 9th! WHOHOO!!

Here are the top ten teams:
BOSL Relay TeamL$353668
Friends Fighting CancerL$337012
Relay RaidersL$328442
Goreans in the Relay For LifeL$184996
Rezzed TV RelayersL$154055
RELAY for HOPEL$122058
Mountain Poetry Gallery WalkersL$109384
Cure ChasersL$94165
Passionate RedheadsL$60670
Relay Wizards For SpUnKyL$57010

We also broke 60K - about which is about $230 - That's almost as much as we made the whole first year we did Relay!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Welcome to Relay for Life 2010!

The Passionate Redheads Team for Relay for Life kicked off the 2010 season of fundraising on Monday, March 15! Our little party was hosted by our elegant Redhead, Leala Spires, with the incredible DJ Shockwave Yareach.

While this is my fifth Relay, most of our team has been with us for three years now. It is an incredible honor for me to be a part of this beautiful team of Warriors.

Let's continue to take care of each other as we have in the past. Together we can help Fund the Cure!

Yours in Service,

